Facial Hair Grooming Manifesto
Jeffrey Scott Brien
Grooming Advisor,
The Organization for the Advancement of Facial Hair

  1. When wetting your face in preparation for applying the shaving cream, use cold water--it reduces the chances of irritated skin.

  2. The more shaving cream, the better!

  3. Shave against the grain as little as possible! This could cause ingrown facial hairs. And we don't want that...

  4. When rinsing your razor, either in the basin or under the running faucet, also use cold water. See #1.

  5. Be extra careful when shaving the upper lip, around the lips, and near the Adam's Apple. If I had a nickel for every time I've cut myself there... But hey, that's why I'm your Facial Hair Grooming Advisor.

  6. Don't use the same razor more than three times; after three you're just asking for trouble.

  7. Remember, control the razor, don't let the razor control you!